quote management

This is an offer you can't refuse

A quote management system with all the functionality what can be expected from a good quote management system but…… with fantastic additional features to optimize efficiency and ensuring a good transparent communication flow.
Visibility in the customer portal, promise quote date confirmations, automatic supplier RFQ’s and contractual turnaround times are some of the less common features being part of ORM.

make a customer, not a sale
quote by katherine barchetti


“Confirming the expected quotation date, letting you customer know when they can expect the quotation”

Smart calculator

“Calculating exactly according to contract regulations a must for cost plus arrangements”

Item characteristics

“Variable item characteristics to also analyze for non-existing items the development in certain products groups, types or brands.”

Supplier selection

“Direct from the quote sending a RFQ to different suppliers, saving time, reduce errors and easy follow-up ”

Confirm incomplete

“Keep track of incomplete RFQ’s and share the knowledge with the customer” 

On time KPI

“On time quotation submittal KPI, not only the order need to be delivered according to the promised date”

Quote management overview

ORM core modules 

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Quote management
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Delivery management
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